Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

  1. Application forms will be available from 1st of March every year followed by interaction and admission in the month of March on the date specified. The academic year is from 1st April to 31st March.
  2. Children completing 3 years of the age on 1st April, 2016 are eligible for LKG admission.
  3. Only the parents/guardian will come to obtain application form.
  4. Application forms will be issued only on producing the original date of birth certificate of the child, issued by any hospital, nursing home, Nagar Palika or Gram Pradhan and a photo copy of the same must be attached to the application form as well as to the admission form and should be produced in original at the time of admission.


  1. It is the duty of every pupil to see that the school premises as well as classrooms are kept clean and tidy, and the dustbin kept in the classrooms are utilized for waste papers and other waste materials.
  2. Only English should be spoken within the school premises and in classroom. Parents and guardians must encourage their wards to converse with them in English at home, so that they learn the language and leisurely.
  3. All pupils must take part in all school functions, games and other activities unless one each declared physically unfit by a registered medical practitioner and a certificate is issued by the same to this effect.

Evaluation / examination and promotion rules

Examination / evaluation is joyful experience. It identifies, diagnose, nurture develops the talent and creative potential of the child. It enables the parents to known the progress of their children and pay due attention to their studies at home. The process of evaluation cannot be divorced from the study. It is necessary part of it.

As per CBSC Norms, the school will be having 2 terms. That is ; April to September and October to March. There will be 2 Formative Assessments (FA) at the end of each term; there will be one Summative Assessment (SA)