Recommendation To Parents

Recommendation To Parents

  1. Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities in forcing regularity and discipline. They should see it that their wards prepare their lessons and take active interest in the activities of the school.
  2. It is very much appreciated when parents responds readily and attend the parents teacher meeting when it is held and other school events. It is only with the co-operation of the parents that the school can promote the all round development of their pupils.
  3. Parents are requested to foster in their wards habits of neatness and punctuality, qualities of politeness and courtesy of speech, good conduct, cleanliness of dress and person.
  4. Parents/guardians are not allowed to go to the class rooms to meet their wards or teachers during school hours without the sanction of the principal. Teachers are available during their free periods on prior appointment.
  5. Parents/guardians are to sign progress reports or any other information when so required. Failure to do so will cause great mutual inconvenience.
  6. Private tuition is strictly forbidden. Parents/guardian may not make private agreement for tuition with the members of the staff without consulting the principal, if found necessary it will be allowed and arranged for by the principal herself / himself. No tuition will be taken by a teacher one month prior to the final examinations.
  7. Parents are requested not to take back their wards during the class hours except in cases of unforeseen circumstances of serious illness and in such cases someone home with an application, duly signed, by the parents, must come to fetch the ward.